Designing and making period style furniture is very rewarding, but hard work! I've witnessed many new apprentices give up up after only a few months. One of the major problems is the amount of homework you get. Not only are you expected to do it in your own time, but it continues for the rest of your working life!
Certain people think it’s a hobby? The occasional tradesman would tell you that it’s the type of “stuff” that the people in Bali do, unlike the “melamine” boxes they make themselves. One tradesman remarked that he was offered an apprenticeship to do that sort of thing (carving and making furniture), but rejected it, because “it’s for the ladies”!
Furniture should be designed as a work of art. When the piece is completed, it should be good enough to be used in your own home. If all furniture was created in that manner, it would be around for decades, and we wouldn't be producing so much RUBBISH. In turn the environment would be in much better shape!

The original hand drawn designs for the Partner desk.

The desk in production before finishing.
I am not aware of any places in Perth or in fact anywhere in Australia, currently offering apprenticeships for designing and making Period Style Furniture! Neither are there any architects or designers who can design this style of furniture! The fact is, if you can’t create it, then you can’t design it! You need to know ALL that is involved to correctly and successfully make a piece of beautiful Period Furniture, in order to be able to create a design that will really work.
Happily Real Luxury Furniture is very much alive in a number of countries around the world!