That is the only way to describe these pipe shades!
Pipe shades as I understand them, are wooden structures used to conceal uneven lengths of pipes on a pipe organ, and are in most cases are covered with decorative carvings.

These pipe shades belong to an organ, commissioned about six years ago. These pictures are of the pipe shades from the centre of the organ case. I believe that the pipe organ was supposed to have been architecturally designed? However, the carving certainly lacks design and attention to detail, plus the actual structure is unstable and incorrect. In my opinion the poor client was deceived and mislead.
The pictures below show the new design I created. First I drew up a full sketch, and then I made a sample which I showed to the client, so he could see how I planed to construct the new pipe shade.

The pictures above and below show the pipe shade carving in progress.

The back is carved, to give the the pipe shade the appearance of been thinner than it actually is.
The two photos below show both sides of the newly carved pipe shade.

The final photo shows the Pipe shade being fitted to the organ case.

You are an amazing artist and craftsmen Rupert. You never see anyone draw up their designs by hand like you do these days. It enables the client to see exactly what they are getting and because you are so precise, it give you a perfect template to work from when carving, leaving no room for errors.